052: Do You Know Your Sales WHY? with BRIAN J. HINES
You can't sell if you don't feel good, especially about yourself.
So is the message from this week's awesome guest, Brian J. Hines, a mindset consultant and creator of the Manifestation Mastermind as well as The Ally Group, to help you get clear on your gifts, your vision, and the mindset skillsets necessary to manifest your vision.
This week's episode is chock full of great eye-opening nuggets that will really get you thinking about what your real purpose is as a salesperson. Is it just to make money? Does money really buy you happiness?
Are you on what he calls the "Golden Hamster wheel of Sales?" Where the money just isn't enough at the end of the day?
So what can a salesperson do to find their why? According to Brian, you first need to figure out your “North Star” by asking yourself three questions:
- What do I want to contribute to the world?
- What do I want to experience?
- How do I want to grow?
Then ask yourself where you want to be in a year, considering each of the following six areas:
- Relationally
- Professionally
- Personally
- Emotionally
- Financially
- Spiritually
Let go of expectations and let your imagination run wild. When you connect with these six areas, you’ll feel connected to the process and your goals will make sense.
Mindset is a critical part of the process. Life is all about what we choose to focus on. We’re hard-wired to focus on the negatives so we need to reprogram our minds and choose to focus on the positives. According to Brian, a daily meditation practice is the fastest way to change your state.
What’s Inside:
● What are your gifts and how do you find them?
● How to find your “why”.
● Why is mindset so important and how do you change it?
● How to reprogram your mind through meditation.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Brian Hines on LinkedIn
Brian Hines on Instagram
Shoot me a question
Allan Langer website
Host Allan Langer - 7 Secrets Sales & Marketing
Workspace Grain Recordings
Length 45m
Start Time 5:12 PM on Feb 11, 2021
Exported 11:53 AM on Jun 16, 2021
Brian Hines
Allan Langer - 7 Secrets Sales & Marketing
Hello, everyone. And welcome back to another episode of Marketing and Sales, Over cocktails. This is your host Allan Langer with episode 52 coming at you tonight. And we've got 52 coming from
Chicago. Right? Am I, am I remembering that correctly? Brian Heinz with us tonight, I'm going to introduce Brian
in a second because he's going to help us with some sales kind of mentality of sales and, and, and. And some
thinking about the reason why you're in sales and all that fun stuff that some of us struggle with. So, but before
we get to Brian, just a couple of quick notes, they podcast a website is marketing and sales podcast.com. If you
visit that and send me a question for the question of the week, and we read that question, you will get a free
signed copy of my book. And we've got a really good question coming up from Jerry who writes us from Sarasota
Springs, Florida. So that's coming up later in the podcast, but right now, without further ado, I am introducing
my new friend from Chicago. How you doing Brian Hines? Welcome to the show. Doing great, Alan. Thanks for havingme on it's an honor. You're very, very welcome. And this is kind of funny. So this is, I was just telling Brian
this right before we hit the record button. This is episode 52 for me, and this is the first time I have a beer. I
have a shock top, a Belgian white. I'm not a big beer drinker, but I really feel like having this. And he's got a
stellar, right? I have a Stella. Awesome. So two guys drinking a beer. Let's do a virtual cheers to the camera.
Camera Brian. Thanks for joining me tonight. Cheers.
Let's get into some stuff. Sales talk so awesome for the folks out there. Brian is the founder creator of what he
calls the manifestation mastermind, where he helps salespeople find clarity, kind of what they're best at what
their gifts are and craft a vision that is aligned with those gifts, which is really cool because salespeople are
always just taught to sell. That's where they go to their corporate job. And this is. The sales process, and this
is how you got to sell. And that's it. So tell us how you got on this path, Brian, and, and how you started
putting this together to help people along this, this side of the sales. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. You know,
the, my story starts actually in Chicago and I actually grew up in an affluent neighborhood and so growing up, uh,
money was all around us and we felt the pressure. Early on to essentially replicate what our parents had created
for us. And so going to school, going to high school, we had all these pressures on us to make a lot of money, no
matter what, like that was what life was all about. Life was about checking boxes. You know, you get good grades
in high school. You go to a good college, you get a good internship, you get a good job. And all that involves
getting good grades and checking more and more boxes. So for us, again, there's that pressure. And that was like,
okay. It was one big competition. And, um, you know, it was a, it was a zero sum game. And so that, that's how I
grew up. And so I actually first began in finance. And so I went to the business school, um, up in the Midwest and
Ann Arbor. And, um, the goal there was to get that dream job on wall street and eventually, uh, end up making a
lot of money on wall street. Now I ended up getting that internship. I checked all the boxes. I hated it. And, uh,
before that to earn some money going into my freshman year of college, I sold Cutco knives door to door and was
really, really good at it. In fact, during that time, when that summer, it was my first experience in sales. I had
no idea that if you work really hard, you can make a lot of money. And for me coming where I came from at the age
of 18, I was chomping at the bit to already prove myself going into college. So, what I did was is actually I shut
up my, my personal relationships. So it kind of shut my girlfriend at the time out of my life, my friends who
might have just graduated with my family. And I just went balls to the wall, went hard, sold door to door and made
a lot of money. I was like top 10 in the country, out of thousands of reps. So when you say door to door, was this
cold door to door? Were they setting appointments for you cold order or no. So you set up the calls, you set up
essentially cold calling. No, you call it. You had to get in the house, right? Yeah, yeah. To get in the house,
but no, it was not the next, that's the next step below. Just door to door. That's hard enough. So exactly. So,
um, that's what I had done there and, um, and not really good at it. Then when I went to college, you know, my
parents, my family had grown up in finance. I was like, okay, I'm going to go through, go into finance. But when I
realized that's not what I wanted to do, um, I was at a crossroads a little bit. I had this perspective. I, I, I
was like, all right, I want to check the next box. And that is, you know, get the job and move back to a town.
Like when I go where I'm from or a similar one out in the East coast or West coast. Right. But, um, so I was
chasing after that money, but ultimately I reached back out to my sales manager at the time and here's my sales
manager for Cutco. So we hadn't spoken in four years or so. And, uh, moved out to San Francisco and started with
the sales and leadership training company out of school. Um, and it was totally different. I was following my
intuition. I was doing something unorthodox for a lot of my high school friends and college friends. They're still
going down the finance route because where we came from, that that's the way you went. Um, and I, I took the sales
route and so my, my rule there was to enroll people in a year round, uh, year round, uh, programs or a weekend
emergence as well. So after working there, I ultimately, um, I moved on from that. But during that time, my role
was a 22, 23 year old was to have intimate conversations with salespeople, sales leaders that were years and
sometimes decades and decades older than me asking them about their personal lives, going deep, asking the deep
questions. And during that time, I was asking myself those deep questions as well. And my paradigm shifted no
light for me, started becoming about the impact I was here to make. Keep alignment and playing the long game,
rather than trying to be a millionaire before the age of 30, which is what a lot of me person that was my goal
originally. And a lot of people, my age is goal as well. So from there I moved on. Yeah, I, I worked in, uh, uh,
tech sales. I sold the multi-carrier shipping API. Um, with some guys I met out of San Francisco. They started
this company and hired me as one of the first employees. So I did that for a couple of years and I moved back to
the Midwest. And I came back into the environment I'd started in and on the West coast, I learned a lot about
myself, a lot about my inner journey. I got really into meditation. Um, I went on a week, week, long silent
meditation retreats. I learned a lot about myself, the, the various expectations I was trying to live up to the,
um, the expectations I'd put on myself, the expectations that friends and society had put on me and I slowly but
surely it was an unfolding process, but I. Slowly started to let those things go. And I discovered who I really
was, what my gifts were and my vision and my why. And so when I came back to Chicago a little over a year ago, I
met back up with a lot of my high school and college friends at the time we'd still kept in touch and we hung out
during holidays and stuff, but I really came back into my old environment and they were going down that finance
route that I originally was going down, you know, they were, they were checking more boxes. And in speaking with
them, I found that they were miserable. Okay. And so, um, in speaking with, at this point, thousands of
salespeople at the age of 22, 23, having deep intimate conver conversations about what's important to salespeople,
longterm, having these conversations with, with some of my friends and family and really observing, you know,
what, what sort of people were fulfilled and what sort of people on paper maybe shouldn't feel fulfilled. But
aren't, I was, I had a lot of experience with that and, and my own self inner journey as well. So I've created
this piece and this piece, this mastermind, and the reason why I created it is because there's this stigma in
sales that life for you is all about hitting a number and it could feel like a trap 100%. And so what's
interesting about sales is you can double your income in a year, right? So you can make, if you make a hundred
thousand dollars in a year, you're like, all right, I learned a lot, but I still don't feel great about myself.
I'm going to go after 200,000. So let's say. After a year, maybe two, you make 200,000 and you're like, you know,
that was fun. I learned a lot, but you know, I still don't feel great. Like that was, that was fun. I feel okay.
But I still feel emotionally back where I started. So I'm going to make 300 and then 400 and 500. And in sales, I
call it the golden hamster wheel of sales. And so it's, there's so many sales people out there that are constantly
going after a number without knowing why they want to go after that number. They feel. Some something in their
external world will fill them up internally. And I think, um, what ends up happening too is, uh, they feel this
lack of fulfillment. So I help them get clear on what gifts they're here to express in their sales role and
connect what they're doing to a more powerful, why so that they can feel more fulfilled in their role and
understand what life is really about for them. And we've what ends up feeling like this rat race. This constant,
never ending race, um, uh, of trying to measure up to other people and competition isn't bad so long as you know
why you're doing what you're doing. So I help bridge that gap. I hope help salespeople get clarity in those areas.
So this is fascinating to me because it just reminded me of something that happened to me. Um, the November before
COVID, um, I was, I was flown out by the owner of a. Dispensary in Colorado. She had one of the largest suspensory
is in Colorado. I met the owner. It's funny. It's funny story. I met her in Costa Rica the year before we kept in
touch. And she's like, I need you to fly out here and train my retail sales team. And I don't do a lot of retail
training. I'm more B2B and B2C, but I'm like, yeah, sure. Sales is sales. I'll go out. And, and, and she wanted me
to kind of observe what they were doing and then, um, you know, do some training. So the first day I'm there and
I'm watching essentially. 18 to 24 year old kids sell weed, sell, sell edibles, so sell pot. So all this kind of
stuff. And I had, I had a two day training thing ready to go,
but I realized the next, like I was in the hotel room that I am like, this training is not going to work for these
guys because the training was based on the typical sales mind of, of, um, selling, like, you know, how to sell
more. And, and I, I really, I don't know. Talk about, I talk about mind shifting and, and helping people. But what
I found out was I, I sat them all in a room and I usually ask when I started training thing, why did people why, why
did you get into sales? And, and most, most people raise their hand to make money. I want to get into sale. I
wanted to make a lot of money. My buddy was making lot. I want to get a lot of money. When I went around this
room, not one person in the room said that they were selling weed to make money. They all said, well, my
grandmother had cancer. I wanted to do something to help other people. Um, couple of them, honest, like, Hey, I
just wanted to get a discount on we kind of, but nobody was there to sell to actually sell. They were there to
help. And that's the first sales group of people I ever met that were actually there to help. So I had to change
my whole philosophy, but it really was eye opening to me because that whole piece of trying to talk them into
helping a regular sales group, they already had that I didn't even need to do that. So what you're talking about
is so true, it's like the mindset of salespeople and it's, it's the, you know, it's just the way. It's been for
decades and centuries, you got to sell period. And that would mean that's what makes you feel crappy as a sales
person, if that's all you're giving, that's all you're going for. Right. 100%, 100%. That that's a really
interesting story. I think that that speaks to, um, them having obviously a clear why beyond the number, you know,
I always say chasing money is not a vision. And so when I ask people what they want, they usually do. You say
money. Right. And I feel, you know, a lot of us growing up too, you know, we, we think about, and we know, and
we've heard yeah, money. Doesn't bring happiness, but there's a part of us, like deep down that doesn't really
believe that
I want to make a lot of money. Like I want to show off like that's there. And it really takes some experiencing of
experiencing that, that emptiness, that, um, Comes with what you thought would make you full. And so you're
exactly right. And again, it doesn't, it doesn't make money, the bad thing, but money is simply just a numerical
value. It's an abstract symbol, but if we connect it to some sort of experience, for example, if you want to go on
an amazing vacation, you've always dreamed of with your family or you want to buy a first home or a second home,
you want to buy a home for your parents. Like that's the beginning to connecting to something much bigger than
just a number. But a lot of people are like, you know, like buying a Ferrari sounds good. Um, but when they have
enough money to do so, they're like, no, you know, I actually didn't really want that. So people aren't actually,
they don't feel emotionally attached to, um, something that's, that's a line for them and what's important to
them. And obviously you got clear on what was important to, to, to that team, but it's really important to get
clear on those things from a leadership perspective too, because, um, you know, by default. A lot of us are money
motivated, but number one, we don't know why. Number two, some of us simply aren't. And I, I also think one of the
problems in sales is you're expected to be money motivated. You're you're expected to sell you. You're expected as
a sales rep to hit your T your quotas and to be motivated by hitting your quotas. And that's why sales is. I think
it's, I think I saw a survey a month or so ago. It's the second highest turnover profession in the world is our
salespeople because they're. Basically, you're building it in. You're not building, you're not setting them up for
failure, but you are setting them up for disappointment quite more often than success. And if you don't have the
personality to handle that, you're just going to go find a different job. And, and it's simply because if, if
you're trained a different way, you can get through that. So talk to me about finding your, why, how does it w
what, what is, what can a salesperson do or someone who sells to find their why? Like, you're, you're, you're,
you're saying it, but are there things that they actually can. And do or sit down and think about, to say, this is
what I want. Really. Yeah. Yeah. There are. And I think what's, what's really important is, uh, reverse
engineering in a lot of ways. So there's two ways you can do this. I think number one is getting clear on how much
you want to make and why specifically you want to make it and specifically get really clear. Okay. If you want to
earn 250, why two 50? Why not? 300 or 200, you know why. Why that specific number, and once you are specific with
it, you're really clear around those things. You'll start to feel that you feel attached to that number
emotionally, which is really important to manifestation, need to feel it needs to know that it will happen. So
you're really clear on those things. So that's number one when it comes to the number piece. And if, if people
aren't clear, like if you're just starting out, for example, you're 22, 23, you don't know what life's about for
you at our most done. Um, there's some that might pretend to, but it's really hard to be exactly clear on. Okay.
What's the legacy I want to leave. Right. So I'd say for the people starting out, be specific with the number and
like write down a lot of things that feel really good to you, that would be really exciting experiences, um, that
you can either share with others or things that would really mean a lot to you. So I think that's number one is
like getting clear on the number of, you're just sort of starting out. I think later on what's important is. Is a
couple things like longer term, what brings you joy and what is the legacy you want to leave? And so I always ask
three different questions. This, this is where I go into your, your light vision, your life vision, your North
star, you know, what do I want to contribute to the world?
What do I want to experience and how do I want to grow?
And. Use your inspiration. I usually have someone ask, I usually ask the question. So I have the, the people I
work with, I give them only a minute and a half and I give them the questions ahead of time, but I have them trust
their intuition and I just have them write for a minute and a half in those three areas. And then you take a look
at it and you're like, sometimes you're surprised by what your intuition tells you. Um, and other times you're
like, you know what? I have always wanted that I just haven't written it out before. Right. So that's the North
star, the life vision stuff. And then I come into. Okay a year from now, what's really important to you and then
just trust your intuition there as well. And if you ask yourself, you know, relationally, emotionally,
professionally, personally, financially, spiritually, and all of those areas where I want to be a year from now.
And if you start attaching what you're doing on a daily basis, every call you're making to all six of those areas
of your life, not only does it energize you more, you love the process more and you enjoy the connection. Options
more because you feel connected to it. Like for you is more about, just more about then all the dials you're
making or the calls you're making. Right. It's it's, it becomes a lot more than that. So I tend to reverse
engineer once sales people get a little bit older and they start getting clear on, okay, is leadership something
we want to get into, um, that I may be running away from her I'm scared to do or otherwise, maybe, maybe it is
starting your own company. There's a reason why a lot of salespeople. Ended up starting their own business
because, um, they know how to sell. So those things are really important. And what I always offer too, is what's
really important is to have the imagination and the mindset of a child, because if we start using our imagination
again, we really tap into what life's really about for us. And that's outside of all the expectations that have
been placed on us from various areas of our society. You're right. You check off the boxes, that famous song,
little boxes. It's just, you know, when you can start, when you can have the courage or the, or, and, and your
family and your, your inner circle almost gives you the permission to say, check off your own boxes. Don't worry
about, you know, the boxes that society says you're supposed to check off. It's just, just a freeing, liberating
feeling that you can do that and do what you want. And it's the same with, with selling it.
If I can be my. Self and sell rather than following this script. Like the script is not me. The script is not my
personality, which is why I'm a 25% closer. Cause I'm trying to shoe my shoe, horn myself into a script and it
doesn't fit my personality. If I can actually turn the script within my personality, make it work that way. That's
when you not only start enjoying your life, but you start selling a hell of a lot more. You're exactly right. And
that's why finding your gifts is so important. Uh, in that, you know, are you someone that, that gets a lot of joy
from there? There are people who are just really gets it at closing deals, and they just really love enrolling
people into, into a vision. You know, whether it's a company's vision or what have you, um, or bringing people
across the finish line. Other people love building trust, but it's really important to get clear on what are those
things. I define gifts as by the way, things that bring you energy and make an impact on others, you know? Or
something that we acquire over time that we may be good at, but may not actually bring us a lot of energy. And so,
um, for you that could be sales, you know, that could just be a talent of yours, but how can you eliminate your
gifts more in, in your sales role? Um, so that you can bring the most amount of energy to every conversation, but
you're exactly right. It's, it's, it's really making it your own. And, you know, we, we tend to put a lot of, we
tend to put masks on all the time and different. The sales man, you know, we, we put on masks, uh, at work and
with clients and customers, and to be able to take off that mask, um, in all situations and just be you, you save
a lot of energy, cause it's really tough being someone else all the time. And I, you know, trust me, I've done it.
And you know, more than that, to be able to make the sales scripts your own, um, makes the role a lot more
exciting too. And you're able to actually impact people, right. Doesn't feel like they're talking to a
salesperson. I always say to salespeople, like, if you feel like you sound like a salesperson, imagine what you
sound like to the customer. Cause you sound 10 times worse if you're feeling it.
But I did a post on LinkedIn. It's funny when I, you know, I post a lot on LinkedIn and you can see what posts
actually reverberate or like have an effect, you know, you have an average post, it'll get whatever, a thousand
views or 500 views. Yeah. Did the one, the other day about stop being a salesperson, stop turning it into a sales
person and turn into yourself. That was the gist of it. What we're talking about, that thing blew up. So I'm like,
wow, I must have struck a nerve because there's a lot of salespeople out there who don't feel like they're being
themselves in front of a customer. That's pretty well. Was that the Jacqueline Hyde one? That's the Jekyll and
Hyde one. Yeah. Yes, yes. I do remember seeing that. Yes, definitely struck a chord. I mean, I remember it, so
definitely struck a chord. That's exactly it.
So. Well, I was looking through your stuff here. And, and you, you, you mentioned a bit about, uh, having the
right mindset when approaching your sales life or your professional life. What do you mean by that? Yeah,
mindset's really interesting because I've found in speaking with people that your external game is a reflection of
your internal game and that life is all about what you choose to focus on. And in, in sales, it's an emotional
role. Coaster, you can have an amazing day or an amazing hour, an amazing 15 minutes, and then 15 minutes later,
or a day later, a week later, feel like your life is coming crashing down on you. So true.
It's definitely not for, I mean, that speaks to that turnover number, for sure. I think because there's, there's,
there's a lot of burn and churn, churn and burn in the sales game, for sure. And so, again, like I said, life is
all what you choose to focus on. And so
ultimately when it boils down to it, the reason why we get into this negative mindset is because if you think
about our brains there, they're trying to solve problems all the time. So thousands of years ago, we had the same
brains. We are in our caves and we were strategizing ways to survive because we're worried that a neighboring
tribe is going to attack us and kill us. Or we are afraid that. Predator was going to come up to us and kill us.
So thousands of fast forward down this and beards to today, we have the same brains, but we don't have the same
problems. So our brains make up problems that simple. So by default, our brains are always focused on what could
go wrong because they're trying to keep us safe. And so I call that the parasite. There's the, you talk about
Jacqueline Hyde with authenticity, but there's, there's a little bit of the same. Same deal with your narration.
There's there's the parasite, which latches onto events and tries to drain your energy. You know, this maybe,
maybe you messed up, messed up in quotes, a sales call or a deal fell through and you're focused on you start
getting this negative thought pattern, man, am I really good at this maybe sales isn't for me, you know, I'm, I'm
just the worst. I'm never going to be anything and you get caught. Up. And then all of a sudden, your thoughts
shaped your beliefs about yourself, your beliefs shape your actions and your actions shape your results. And so if
your thoughts are in a negative thought pattern and you're like, I'm just going to call it today. I'm just in a
bad mood. Um, you know, you're missing out on a lot of opportunity and a lot of people do, they just call it and
they're like, you know, I'm just in a bad mood today. So how do you snap out of this? Well, there's a couple of
things you can do. The first one is just to get clear on, okay, what am I choosing to focus? Right now, am I
focused on everything that went wrong with that call usually? Yeah. And so, and, and so once you get clear on,
okay, what am I focusing on right now? You flip it and you say, okay, well, what's the opposite. If I'm focusing
on everything that went wrong, what went well for me? Okay. And you start thinking of you start finding the gifts
and the world starts looking a little bit brighter. And then after that, you ask in order to take action, you
asked yourself what empowering. Do I need to ask myself right now. And the reason why you asked that is remember
the brain is a problem solving device
and it likes to solve problems. So give it a good problem to chew on. And that problem turns into the question.
What empowering question do I need to ask myself right now? Or what do I need to focus on right now? And all of a sudden, instead of focusing on everything you didn't want, or you don't want, you're now focusing on everything
you do want. And I tell clients at that point to what empowering question do I need to ask myself right now to
take one step closer towards my why? You know, Hey, you might be in a bad state, but it's really easy to snap out
of it in a second to change your state and your state is based on what you choose to focus on. And so it's for
that reason. And you could obviously play this out and do a lot of different scenarios, but it's really that
simple of a formula. And it all has to do with becoming aware of the fact that the time. Parasite is playing out
in your mind and you flip it and now the allies playing in your mind, that's such a brilliant thing too, to point
out. It's also pretty hard to do. And I'm saying this because a couple of personal experiences, when I, there
there's been many studies done that that had said that the human brain, you talk about the lizard brain. You talk
about the, you know, the brain from the caveman brain where the brain, I think the last thing I saw was. 87% more
inclined to focus on a negative action than it is a positive one. So think about social media for a second. And
this just happened to me. And when I caught myself doing it, I could not, I was actually shocked myself. So I
actually got on tick talk about five weeks ago, um, a colleague and I, and I, we challenge each other. I started
tick-tock. My twelve-year-old gave me the, gave me the tutorial. I was all set. Well, I had a video that actually
went viral. It has like 300,000. Yeah. At this point, just to, I still don't know why, but I've had 300,000 views.
I've got at least 10,000 comments. And I would say 9,975 are positive, but you got those jackasses out there that
just write something negative. And I was spending this entire day when this one viral is one day and I was just
getting constantly notification of notification. I got this one guy who gave a negative comment. He was just
being, he was just, he was an asshole. And I was like, what the hell? Why, why is this guy saying that there are
8,000 wonderful, awesome comments? And I'm focused on is one Jack off who, who wasn't. We didn't like my, my
thing. And it took me like three hours to realize why was I feeling so anxious? And it was because of this one
guy, his stupid comment. And that was my brain doing that to me. And you have to be aware of that 100%. And that's why I, I really feel and why I post a lot about. Meditation and why I feel meditation is really important in
sales. Now. I don't think it's mandatory to be an amazing person. A lot of people are like meditation is the only
way. The only way, the only way for me, it was one of the ways for sure, it's made a huge impact on my life. But
the reason why I bring this in at this point is because it gives you the space to become aware of when those sorts
of thoughts pop in. And because you're just sitting there. There's nothing you can do or act on those thoughts,
those impulses. And so if you even sit for five, 10 minutes a day, there will be negative thoughts that come in.
Like you said, it's I think it, yeah, 85%, 90% of your thoughts are negative. And by the way, 90% of the thoughts,
you have 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of them are, what are the same thoughts you thought yesterday? So
your thoughts don't change all that much. So the more we become aware. Aware of our thoughts over and over again,
we can get clear on the ones that don't serve us, cause we've probably played them out a little bit. And so again,
back to meditation, if you sit there quietly and you watch these thoughts come up and maybe the parasite, there's
a storm in your mind for, for those five minutes, but then you open your eyes and you realize that that wasn't
true right there. When you realize that you became aware. And so it creates space between the thought and the
impulse. Do you have to act on it. And so it's for that reason why? I think especially now in sales, it's sales,
it's all about go, go, go, go, go. If I'm not filling every millisecond of my time from the moment I wake up at
4:30 AM, or whenever these, you know, the salespeople that are all go, go, go wake up. You want to go to bed at
night, I'm filling up all my time. You could have the parasite could have been playing out for 95% of that, and
you're not taking the line to action. That's aligned towards your vision. And that's why I feel taking spaces. You
go a lot further, faster, but overall you're exactly right. You know, it, this stuff is hard. It is, it is hard.
It's hard. I mean, by default, that's our mode, but that's the journey right there. Because our whole life, you
can make all the money in the world, but if you're still focused on everything you don't have, and you have
billions of dollars, you have an amazing family, but you're focused on the comments over here. Right? Um, that's
your external world. And, um, you know, it can become a living hell or what I call a suffering state. So it's why
the internal game is so important on such a fast paced game, like sales. It actually becomes a superpower. It's
what separates in my view, the top 1% from the bunch is that they are very aware of those things. So T so, okay.
So you're looking at someone I've heard a good Gillian, positive things about meditation. I've always thought that
I was just not a meditating type. So here, here's your chance. Brian convinced Allen Langer that I should start
meditating. What a, what do I need to do? Well,
it's you to start meditating? It's funny that that's the one thing with meditation, is it really? Yeah, it can be
forced, but overall it's sort of a paradox in that way. Um, because the whole idea of it is to take a step back,
but here's what I'd say.
But we, we have a choice. As I mentioned, we have a choice to suffer or we have a choice to live in, in a
beautiful state and a trusting state. And so usually we spend will, I'll go into brainwaves in a second to back up
the science here. Cause usually that, that you're able to, um, that gives your brain something more to chew on.
Uh, the analytical side of us is that we spend most of our time in beta, which is that fight or flight. Hi, paced
thinking always strategizing. Oh, it's strategizing. And so what ends up happening is 95% of our actions today are
come from our subconscious meaning. They came or they were formed from the ages of zero and 10. Okay. So all of
the actions being played out today, 95% of them are from when you were from zero to 10. You're in a brainwave
state called feta at the time. And feta is this imaginative state you're forming your brain. Forming you're
forming your external world. Your model of the world is forming during that time. And so in order to reprogram
that you must either that there's three ways. Number one is to, uh, is to repeat, is to get in repetition, no
matter what, over and over and over again, if you repeat a certain action, your, your body wires together, and
that starts becoming you, essentially, you short circuit, your subconscious. And, and that recreates things
through action, or what I found is the easier way is to reprogram your mind and the way that you reprogram your
mind is to get into that beta state again, and re hypnotize yourself. And so what's so important to manifestation
is to getting, getting out of that, strategizing that lizard brain, that, that fast moving mind, state and back
into theta. And the only way to do that is to meditate. Is to sit quietly until your brain and your mind, quiet
stout. And from there you say a mantra to yourself that morning and you feel it in your bones, in your body. And
if you do it at the beginning of the day and at night, I'm sure you've heard of affirmations. Yep. Um, if you do
those things over and over again, you'll slowly realize that you start changing your state day to day and it's
because you're slowly reprogramming. And so if you want all those actions out there, you want all those results.
What ends up happening sometimes is consciously. We want a result, but subconsciously we push it away because we have old programming.
So to reproach to meditate is to reprogram your mind. If you want better results, you'll look to reprogram your
mind. And meditation is one way. Wow. That's some fascinating stuff right there. The thing, the thing that like
for me, I, I. I was the go, go, go get up early, you know, go after as many sales as I could when I was selling
full time and, you know, being the number one sales rep and all that stuff. And then I realized that this is, this
is I realize a lot of different things. It was just why I am today. And like five years ago, I would have never
realized that negative thought was affecting me. Like I did recently. Like I have to have more, much more of an
awareness of myself. So, um, but, uh, the, the meditation piece is something that. That I've been considering
adding. So kind of thank you for explaining it a little better now, now I get it. So yeah, we are flying. We're
almost at 35 minutes already, which is crazy. Um, which means this has been a great podcast. So it is time for the
ask Alan segment of the podcast. And we've got a good one for Brian to answer. This comes from Jerry and Sarasota
Springs, Florida, and Jerry Rice. This is a, this is, um, for all the Jerry's out there. I know there are. Sure
listening to this podcast. This is you pay attention because this is such a big problem in sales, especially in
corporate sales. And I want to hear how Brian answers this, and then I'm going to, I have my own thoughts on it as
well. So Jerry asks or he says, I am always being told to follow the same sales process and script to everyone I
meet. It feels fake and salesy and disingenuous. Is there a way to overcome this? And then I love this end or
should I. I just quit my damn job.
So Jerry asked that, what would you say to Jerry Brian? I think, you know, I, I think you actually answered this
pretty well earlier, and that is at the end of the day, remember, you're interacting with a human and when you try
to fit a human in a one size fits all box like that, they're going to feel that naturally. And they, and that's a
problem. That's definitely a problem. And I feel that. Number one, it sounds like Jerry might be first starting
out. So I think it's important to what I would say. First is number one, go to your sales manager and say, Hey,
this is how I feel. I've meet so many younger salespeople that feel a certain way, but don't make their, um, I'm
going to call them problems. They don't make their problems known. And so your sales leader can't help you unless
you come to them with that problem. You're not going to sell. If you don't feel good, if you feel that. Really
good using that script. I'd say you'd actually end up probably making a lot of sales. It'd probably be better to,
to change it based on the person, but if you don't feel good, number one, going into a sales call, you're not
going to make a sale. So that's, that'd be my number one to all that. But number two is it's, it's so important to
cater and to make a sales script, your own. I think sales scripts are important, especially for those just
starting out. You need some sort of format. There's definitely a balance between, um, You know, th there are some
boxes you need to check. There are some powerful questions you want to try out to see how they feel, but to, to,
um, make it a one size fits all piece. You're not showing your authenticity, you're putting on a mask and it
sounds like you're a robot I'm selling new, a human. And again, they're going to feel that. So I'd get really
clear on what parts feel good, which parts don't and work with your sales manager to make it a more authentic
script for you. Great point. And, and, and there's a couple things that, that ran through my mind as you were
answering that one, asking your sales manager is a great, is a great tool and a great thing to do for a couple of
reasons. One you're letting you're letting the sales manager know how you feel. And it's also going to let you
discuss, I'm going to show you how good the sales manager is being a leader. Like if that manager says tough shit,
go do just go do that, that sales script. Then I, then you know what, Jerry, you probably need to find a better
place to sell. If you get a sales mentor and say, no, let, let me teach you how to sell within your personality.
Then, then you've got, then you've at least got a decent sales leader there. But, um, the other thing is I'm going
to tell a quick story. So when I was really young, one of my first sales jobs, I worked for this very large. I
will call it a big box retailer. That's all I'll say. And it was a gigantic amount of sales, but it's this hundred
thousands of salespeople across the country. And in. The area of the S the country I was in, we had a monthly
sales meeting with about 300 people. It was like the East coast, Northern East coast area. And the coma, the
cumulative closing rate of the entire branch was like 22%. It was pathetic. And I was like 28%. Cause everybody
was trained. This one particular pitch to do so. One day they flew in this big way, just like Glengarry Glen Ross
from the corporate office. And he came to the sales meeting. And I will never forget to this day what he said,
first of all, he's yelling at us just like Alex, blow window. And he's yelling at everyone in the room. Cause we
all, you know, we all suck. We're all terrible salespeople. And he said, it is your obligation as an employee, to
this company to do the exact same sales pitch. Every single time to every single person you meet, no matter what
the exact same one. And then he said word for word. And I, and I was like, I don't know, in my mid yeah. Twenties.
And I'm like that doesn't such a sounds really wrong. Like doesn't make any sense to me. And everyone's like
writing their notes and everything, and I'm like, wow. And that was their corporate philosophy. And they've since
gone bankrupt because of it. But, um, I was blown away by like, that's how some of the corporations think, like if
you follow the process you will sell and they're happy with a 25, 26% closing team and it just blew me away. So,
um, that was my experience in that. Jerry. And I did find a new job,
crazy stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And look, that's, I think that there's, and you might be able to speak on this more, but
I feel like that that is the, um, that's sort of the old way. I think that there is this new wave of making it
your own. There's a lot more autonomy I've found any way. Cause I got that a little bit, um, from a past sales
shop as well, but I think it's so important that. Humans just want to be at autonomous. We want to have the
freedom to do these things, and it just makes the employees a lot happier and a lot more excited to sell. So of
course, and you're, you're a hundred percent, right. I've seen the, the warm turning a little bit as the years
have gone on where, um, you know, sales has become much more personal and, and the really good ones are
relationship-based and helping base rather than selling based and ever since the internet, you know, let's be
honest ever since the internet happened. It, the, the power went from the sales person to the actual customer. The
customer has all the power now because they have all the information prior to that, they had no information. They
had to rely on the sales pit person. And more often than not, the sales person would, would lie or make up stuff
and sell them shit that they didn't need. So, um, but you're right. So anyway, Jerry, I hope that answered your
question, but yeah, I mean, talk to your sales manager, um, see if there's a way to interject your own personality
into the sales script. There is needs to be a process, but if you can become Jerry and not the process, Jerry is
going to sell a lot more than the process will. Um, that, that I know for sure. So, Brian, this has been awesome.
You have any final words that you can impart on our awesome sales and marketing audience tonight? Yeah, I think
it's really important. And especially in sales to feel like you're in a hurry or feel like you're behind feel like
you're not making enough and. I just really want to hammer home the point to trust the process, trust yourself,
keep going. And it's really easy to get discouraged right away, but just understand that life is a journey you're
in it for the long game and to approach life that way, because it becomes a lot more fun, a lot more fulfilling
longterm. If you just trust yourself and trust the process and not feel like you're
amen, brother, how can people. If people want to have a conversation with Brian Heinz or contact you for some,
some training, where do they go? How did they find you? Yeah, so you can hop on my, my LinkedIn it's, it's just
linkedin.com/ Brian Hines. Uh, you and I are connected. You can find me through that way. You can shoot me a DM on there. You can check me out on Instagram at Brian J Heinz coaching or check out my website. Brian J heinz.com and Heinz is H I N E S. Brian is with an eye. So. Just in case you didn't know that, obviously it'll all be in the
show notes. So you guys can check that out on the pond, in the, uh, on the website. So, Brian, I really appreciate
it. I hope you enjoy the rest of your shock. Talk your Stella. I have the shock top and I want to thank you for
joining me tonight from Chicago. I want to thank everyone else out there for joining me on episode 52 of marketing
and sales over cocktails. I want to say good night to Brian. I want to say good night to you guys, but before I
go, remember the website is marketing and sales podcast.com. The ask Alan segment is at the top. You send me a
question. If I read it just like Jerry, you're going to get a signed autograph copy of my book, Brian. Thanks
again for joining me tonight. Everyone. You have a great night as well, and we'll see you again next time.