057: Got a Podcast? Time to Start Making Some Money Then! -with HEATHER OSGOOD
So you have a podcast, or are thinking about starting one. Have you thought about all the ins and outs, the details, the hosting platform, the editing, the design, all of it? But also, have you thought about making some money from it as well?
Meet podcast monetization expert, HEATHER OSGOOD of True Native Media, an advertising agency that works with mid-level podcasters. After realizing that only the top 1-2% of podcasts had advertisers, Heather wanted to help folks in that middle range make their monetization dreams come true, and her company was born.
In today's episode, she touches on so many important things, including the ad strategy for your podcast. Where your ads fall within each episode is important, as well as choosing between a host-read ad and something more automatic. Opting to represent brands that align with your podcast is also something to think about. Studies have shown that most podcast listeners don’t mind listening to ads, but if you can make them interesting, it’s beneficial for everyone.
“Podfading” is a term that refers to folks that start up a podcast, but only stick with it for a handful of episodes. This is common, and we saw a lot of this happen this past year when it seemed like everyone was starting a podcast. Heather recommends a podcast to help boost your personal brand, but only if it’s something you’re motivated to stick with. As a content creator, when you’re not into what you’re creating, your audience won’t be either.
Heather has a ton of tips to help your podcast earn you some cash through advertising, as well as great advice on how you can grow your audience.
What’s Inside:
● Interesting statistics on podcasts and advertising
● Why you don’t necessarily need a huge audience to start running ads
● Why a podcast isn’t always necessary to grow your brand
● Tips on how to grow your podcast audience
Mentioned in this Episode:
True Native Media
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